List of schools
Dundalk Grammar School, is a fee paying post-primary school in Dundalk, County Louth. The school is a mixed school, it offers weekly boarding to students. Dundalk Grammar School was founded in 1739 as a Charter School by the Incorporated Society for Promoting Protestant Schools in Ireland. In 1835 it was reorganised, largely by the Revd Elias Thackeray, as the Dundalk Educational Institution. It...
Drogheda Grammar School has been providing first class education to local, national and international students for over 340 years. The school is located on 18 acres in a rural setting. There are currently 241 students at the school.The campus consists of a beautiful Regency house flanked by woodland, with modern classroom and dormitory buildings and extensive playing fields. Drogheda Grammar...
Cistercian College, Roscrea is a seven day boarding school for boys situated within the grounds of the Cistercian Monastery of Mount St. Joseph Abbey. Within this Catholic environment the boys committed to our care “live and pray, study and play and seek the truth in harmony and mutual respect”. Founded just over one hundred years ago by the Cistercian Monks of Mount St Joseph Abbey, the...
Castleknock College was founded in 1835 by the Vincentian Community. The Vincentians remain the College Trustees. The Mission Statement of the College is reflected in the ethos of the College. The aim of Castleknock College is to enable each of its pupils to reach full development in a harmonious growth of the whole person. It promotes this aim of integral formation by many varied activities,...
The Teresian School opened in 1965. It is one of a number of schools ran by the Teresian Association in different parts of the world. The Teresian School is a fee-paying Catholic school for girls. It prepares its pupils for the Junior and Leaving Certificates and operates within the regulations of the Department of Education and Science. The school supports the principles of...
Loreto Abbey Dalkey is a Catholic, fee paying secondary school for girls located overlooking the sea at Dalkey, south Co Dublin. Teachers and staff know each girl individually and strive to provide each one with a rounded education . Students are provided with a wide range of curricular and co-curricular choices so each girl has the opportunity to achieve her potential and to enjoy being at...
Colegio católico, con los principios de la Carta de escuelas de Edmund Rice El C.B.S. Westland Row tiene una larga y rica historia. La escuela acaba de celebrar 150 años. El edificio actual data de 1845. La escuela CBS Westland Row da de espaldas a la calle Westland, aunque la entrada de la escuela está en Cumberland Street. En la calle Wesland se encuentran St Andrew's Church (construida en...
Árdscoil Rís es una escuela situada en Marino bajo la tutela de ERST y donde atiende a más de quinientos alumnos. Es una de las escuelas más reconocidas por ser una institución de excelencia tanto académica como deportiva. Se construyó en 1972 y desde entonces ha ofrecido la mejor educación de calidad para todos sus estudiantes. El objetivo principal de la escuela es proporcionar...
Presentation College es un colegio católico de educación secundaria situado en la ciudad de Bray, perteneciente al condado de Wicklow. Este colegio de la congregación de Presentation se encuentra en una de las ciudades más atractivas del sur de Dublín, y aunque pertenece ya al condado más al sur de Dublín, es decir a Wicklow, se encuentra a distancia razonable de nuestras...
el Dungarvan College o Dungarvan College-Coláiste Dhun Garbhán Es un colegio de educación secundaria mixto para chicos y chicas que se localiza en el condado de Waterford, más concretamente en Youghal Road en Dungarvan (Co. Waterford) y que está sujeto a la autoridad local educativa del "Waterford City and County Council" (el consejo educativo del condado de Waterford). Dungarvan...