The list of schoolsthat we offer you is very varied, you can see the school directory HERE and sort them according to our search engine The schools in Ireland where we apply for a place may or may not grant us place for their children depending on their availability of places, the academic record of their children, and the priority they give to Irish children.That is why we ask them to select five schools of their interest at least, when making an application .

We want to emphasize that it is important that they let themselves be advised by the staff of their agency, since they will guide you when it comes to knowing which schools are most suitable for your children.

In Ireland are very common schools separated by sex, that is, the majority of schools are only boys, or only girls, and schools with boarding school are not very abundant. It is important to take this into account when applying for a school.

We have often highlighted the kindness and exquisite treatment of the Irish families we choose for the children and teenagers we register in Irish schools, so that in most cases and given their number, students will stay in families Irish during their school year program in Ireland.


Types of schools in Ireland

Public schools:

They are the most abundant, often referred to as Community Schoolsor Comprehensive Schools, and in theory they are free, although many of them to foreign students tend to charge them a rate that is very variable from one to another. Many of them in the country do not usually accept international students because the demand of their area is so high that they prefer not to leave out local students in favor of foreigners. Still sometimes we succeed with these too.

Private schools:

These are schools that are not subsidized to any extent and apply the fees they deem appropriate. They are usually schools with an excellent price / quality ratio compared to other similar countries with Great Britain.

Associated schools:

They are private schools in origin but subsidized by the Irish Ministry of Education. Therefore, in theory, they must be subject to public school fees, but all of them apply extra (voluntary) fees that are obligatory. These are usually quite reasonable.

All charter schoolsappear on our lists of public schools in Ireland, with an indication that distinguishes them as concerted.

Private schools can have accommodation in boarding school that can be of 5 or 7 days of weekly stay, and even some arranged retain their offer of boarding school despite having gone to the scheme of concerted.

In schools with a 7-day boarding school we have to emphasize that schools usually close one or two weekends a month, so the host family in those days is usually essential.

In turn all of them can be divided into:

  • Male (boys only schools)
  • Feminine (girls only schools)
  • Mixed (colleges of boys and girls)

To see the schools we offer you can use the search options on the right.